A Guide to Using Vitamin C Serums

Vitamin C stands unparalleled when it comes to reviving and invigorating skin that appears lifeless and weary. This indispensable nutrient not only delivers a multitude of health advantages when ingested but also emerges as a formidable ally in skincare formulations. The realm of skincare has ingeniously integrated vitamin C into an array of products, each promising to imbue our skin with vitality.

From my perspective, serums infused with vitamin C are at the pinnacle of efficacy, boasting the highest levels of this active ingredient to ensure optimal absorption by the skin. The strategic application of a vitamin C serum can significantly amplify its benefits, catapulting your skin to new heights of luminosity. The timing of application has sparked considerable debate, yet I am firmly in the camp that morning application is supreme, aiming to capture that radiant glow from the outset of the day. Today’s discussion will navigate through the virtues of vitamin C, the prime time for its application, my top serum picks, and some strategic tips to seamlessly incorporate it into your skincare ritual. I’m eager to share this knowledge in the hopes that it illuminates your skincare journey.


  • Antioxidant (eliminates free radicals)
  • Reduces photodamage (sacrifices itself to protect the skin)
  • Whitening (inhibits tyrosinase and reduces melanin)
  • Anti-aging (promotes collagen synthesis)


Vitamin C serum can be used both morning and night. When used during the day, it must be combined with sunscreen for protection, while at night it serves as an antioxidant.


Begin with a gentle introduction. For those with delicate skin, initiating your vitamin C journey with a lower concentration could be wise. Potential adverse effects of vitamin C include itching, redness, irritation, and a burning sensation. While I’ve fortunately never encountered such issues despite the myriad of products I experiment with, should you face any discomfort, it’s advisable to discontinue use immediately.

Apply on pristine, moisture-free skin. Aim to apply your vitamin C serum to skin that’s not only clean but thoroughly dried, following your cleansing routine or after using a toner. Vitamin C’s effectiveness diminishes when in contact with water, air, and light due to its unstable nature—particularly L-ascorbic acid. Thus, ensuring your skin is dry before application is crucial to prevent diminishing its potency.

Wait for absorption prior to layering additional products. Owing to its instability, layering other skincare products too soon can interfere with the vitamin C’s activity. Allowing the serum to completely absorb into your skin, typically requiring just a short pause, is essential. Should your regimen include hyaluronic acid, it’s safe to apply over the vitamin C once it’s absorbed.

Avoid mixing with other potent ingredients. Though opinions vary, I err on the side of caution and recommend not mixing vitamin C with other potent skincare actives such as BHAs, AHAs, retinol, niacinamide, or benzoyl peroxide, especially for those with sensitive skin profiles.

Adopt a minimalist approach, focusing on one active ingredient per skincare session (hence, considering vitamin C for morning routines if your evening regimen includes retinol or acids). Mixing multiple actives could provoke undesirable reactions like peeling, irritation, or dry patches. Embrace simplicity—one active at a time. Notably, hyaluronic acid is an exception and pairs well with vitamin C, serving as a hydrator rather than an exfoliator despite its name.

Ensure proper storage. Vitamin C serum is best preserved in opaque packaging to maintain its stability and should be stored away from light and air exposure in a cool, dark environment. And as a general skincare rule, especially with vitamin C, always secure the lid after use.


VC serum

My favorite is this serum from VICHY with a 15% concentration of Vitamin C, truly the king of cost-performance. Some say it’s a dupe for Skinceuticals’ CE, but I think it’s more like a substitute for Skinceuticals’ SCF. The new 20ml packaging is even more refreshing! It’s especially suitable for spring and summer use!

There’s also this 10% Vitamin C ampoule from Clinique. The downside is that it needs to be used within seven days of opening, but the upside is that it’s relatively gentle and not irritating.

The Paula’s Choice Vitamin C Essence features a texture that, while not exceedingly light or imperceptible, avoids feeling greasy, making its use reasonably comfortable. It’s virtually scentless. However, it may cause a slight tingling sensation if applied to wounds on the face, attributable to its active vitamin C content. This ingredient is known for its potential irritability and instability, necessitating storage away from light and air to maintain efficacy.

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